We are now in Mayhill, NM at Deer Spring RV Park. In March we spent three weeks in Lubbock at Loop 289 RV Park. We had our Vue worked on and had our annual checkups. Below are a few photos of the last three months...

A quick trip to Lubbock last week for more appointments with our GP. We were so glad we got to say goodbye to our friend Jim Kean, although we missed seeing Peggy as she was out of town. They are moving from Loop 289 Park to North Carolina to be nearer their son and his family. We sure will miss them, the park just won't be the same when they're gone. Jim and Peg, we wish you all the best and don't be surprised if we show up on your door step one day!

A few photos of our first space (#11) at Deer Spring. We arrived on April 18, after spending a couple of weeks with the kids in Artesia. As you can see it was so early there were no leaves on the trees yet. For a month or so we were one of only two campers in the park. The birds (and butterflies) were very glad to see us, finding the feeders in short order!

Donnie and Maddy in our new site (#10) for the summer. We moved here the end of May.

Donnie has been planting grass and watering our lawn for several weeks now. All the water has really brought in the robins. Almost every evening we enjoy watching this mom feeding one of her babies supper. From the size of him it looks like he needs to be feeding her instead!

A view of the mountains to our northeast. The setting sun really lit (lighted?) up the clouds.

Throwing in this photo of our March trip to Lubbock. We were at the mechanic's shop and ran into Jeff from Car Chasers, the program on CNBC. He was so friendly, even posing for a photo with us. When I told him we watched the show every week (even reruns) he said he would definitely tell his wife Meg, because she didn't think any women watched the show!