After spending a couple of weeks at Thanksgiving with the kids in Artesia, we headed down to the Texas Coast. We stayed December through mid February at Ransom Road RV Park (again) in Aransas Pass. We had more drizzle and cool temperatures this winter than in years past. But we were still able to get out and do some of our favorite things...watching ships, looking for birds and...eating lots of seafood!
A sign outside one of the RV park buildings...I couldn't resist snapping this one!
The "Big Tree" at Goose Island State Park, just north over Copano Bay, from Aransas Pass. The tree is a live oak believed to be almost 2,000 years old. It is said to have survived an estimated 40 to 50 major hurricanes as well as numerous floods, droughts and wildfires.
Lydia Ann Lighthouse which operated from the 1850s until it was decommissioned in 1952. It stands on an island east of Aransas Pass and is now privately owned.

Sunset at Ingleside on the Bay, to the south of us
One of many ferry rides between Aransas Pass and Port Aransas, which Maddy learned to love.
Watching a tanker enter the Corpus Christi ship channel. Looks like a tight squeeze under the Harbor Bridge, huh!
An offshore oil platform being constructed at Kiewit Offshore Services in Ingleside

While on the coast we were lucky enough to see an offshore oil rig base being towed out to the Gulf. The first photo was taken at the ferry dock, where I visited with a gentleman who worked on the (single) base as a welder for almost two years. He said he was very proud of the work he and his coworkers had done, but was ready for a day off! The second and third pics show it moving through the Port A ship channel. The last is of the tug boats needed to move the rig. We were told it was going to Louisiana where the platform was being fabricated to place on top.