Church rock south of Moab, Utah.

The entrance to Arches National Park (north of Moab). We would like to see this park some day, but decided not to try the road up to the entrance. Maybe next time we’ll camp in Moab and drive up to the park (without the fifth wheel) to check out the campsites.

After three nights (Chama, NM, Price, UT and Jerome, ID) on the road, we arrived at one of our favorite places to “camp”, Three Island Crossing State Park near Glenns Ferry, ID. We reserved a space for nine nights and would have stayed longer but the park was already booked up for the July 4 weekend.
While staying here, it was nice to get to know Bob and Catherine Wyman from Sandy, UT. They were great neighbors and we really enjoyed visiting with them. Bob, can’t wait to try the clam chowder at Pier 101! Thanks for the tip!
We also met Gene and Diana Minner from Idaho Falls. Too bad we only got to talk with them one evening, but hope to see them and the Wymans again.

The three islands in the Snake River that the pioneers crossed while on the Oregon Trail. Donnie took this photo from an overlook south of town. Looking down on the islands really made us realize the hardships of traveling the Oregon Trail. Those pioneers were tough cookies!!

A section of the Oregon Trail that is still visible near the overlook.

Two of the three Sister Mountains west of Redmond, OR. All three of the peaks exceed 10,000 ft.

Donnie and Shelby checking out the Umqua River (in Oregon). Where they are standing is one of the spots used to launch river rafts. Almost looks like Donnie is reeling in his “catch”!