We always enjoy "camping" near Corpus Christi. So much to see and do here.

The harbor at Corpus Christi. We had lunch across the street at Whataburger (the only two story one so far), then walked along the harbor wall. Two of our favorite things: the Corpus Christi bay and Whataburgers!!

A replica of the Nina docked in the harbor. The other replicas of the ships of Christopher Columbus are dry-docked at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History. The museum has so many exhibits, including one of several 1554 Spanish shipwrecks.

A view of the USS Lexington from the bridge crossing the ship channel. The aquarium is in the foreground. The Lex was commissioned in 1943. During WW II her planes took out 372 enemy planes in the air and 475 more on the ground. The Japanese reported several times that The Lexington had been destroyed but she continued to fight, prompting Tokyo Rose to dub her "The Blue Ghost". You can tell I find WW II naval history fascinating! We have visited CC so many times and finally got to tour the Lex. It was a great experience and good exercise too, crawling up and down all those ladders.

One of the planes on display on the flight deck.

This photo gives you an idea of the enormous size of this aircraft carrier.

Okay this one is for Rylee and Parker... PaPa is pretending to shoot down some enemy aircraft!

Cute sailor, huh!! The city aquarium is in the background to Donnie's right. This is the first trip to CC that didn't include a trip to the aquarium. It is a great place to visit with the gigantic salt water tank (sharks, etc.) and the dolphin show.

A Great Blue Heron fishing at the edge of the ship channel.

This ship was being unloaded one day when we stopped by the CC docks. It was carrying sections of the bases for wind generators. We didn't realize these came from Singapore. Most of the wind generators we have seen were being trucked in from Mexico. This was pretty interesting watching the ship's giant cranes at work.

A tanker on its way out to the Gulf. Next to it is the ferry that takes passengers on an hour long cruise of CC bay. We plan to do that next trip also.

No, I'm really not a baseball fan, but had to include this photo of Whataburger Field, home of the Corpus Christi Hooks. I can't pass a Whataburger sign of any sort without thinking of our Mom (mine and Kathy's). It was her favorite place to eat. So...guess it is hereditary!!

A view of WB field from the bridge. We also found a great place to eat near here, Brewster Street Ice House. They had seafood, burgers, chicken-fried steak, salads, etc. Ever have a fried avocado salad?? I have, and would definitely order it again.