A fountain in the city of Mission.
We spent yesterday at the World Birding Center at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park near Mission. The park offers a tram ride that covers a three mile loop. There were several birders there either riding bikes or hiking. We chose to ride the tram and hike a few of the trails off the loop. Donnie handled the photography, while I had my binoculars and trusty bird book in hand.

We saw several Great Kiskadees at two different bird blinds. We learned that the Kiskadee inhabits two places, south Texas and Burmuda.
There were a lot more birds here than Resaca de la Palma State Park, the birding center we visited near Brownsville last winter.

Found in Texas only, Green Jays, cousins of the blue jay, were very abundant in the park. This is the first time we have seen them here in the valley.

The Altamira Oriole is another bird found only in the southern tip of Texas. The park attracts the birds by setting up feeders with lots of fresh orange halves attached.