Hello All! We are into our second month at Twin Palms RV Park in Rio Hondo. We have been taking day trips occasionally, checking out the surrounding area. Everywhere we go we see palm trees and all sorts of beautiful flowers. This area seems to have just the right climate for growing tropical plants. It amazes me that I have been able to plant flowers in our little yard (in January!). The above photo was taken one day on our way back from South Padre Island.

One of the many orange groves near Rio Hondo. We sure are enjoying having access to such good fresh fruit. We haven't tired of having oranges and grapefruit every morning for breakfast.

Last week we drove over to South Padre Island and took a walk on the beach. There were several people there enjoying the sun and fishing.

A photo of Laguna Madre which separates South Padre Island from the mainland. It was a little hazy so the water didn't look as blue as usual.