One of many waterfalls at Yellowstone. We spent most of the day there yesterday. The morning started out sunny, then it rained for several hours that afternoon. Still a great way to spend the day. The last time we visited Yellowstone was in June 1984, right before Donnie started his new job at Otero County Electric Coop. Time flies...
The park sure looks different after the 1988 fire. No more giant pine or fir trees, just lots of burned tree trunks but small trees are beginning to return. We saw only elk and buffalo this time. Think it is the first time we have not seen even one bear or moose.
We are leaving tomorrow, driving through the Tetons so will keep our eyes peeled for wildlife. We have plotted our course south to New Mexico. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Cloudcroft and Mayhill...AND, sure have missed our kids and grandkids. Can't wait to get to Artesia for our Grandma and PaPa "fix"!!

We are seeing this sight for the third time, but it never gets old. Got here at Old Faithful about 30 minutes before it erupted, so I just HAD to kill a little time in the gift shop (of course!). We have never seen so many other tourists here before...quite a few hundred standing around waiting for the "big blow". Seems like the price of fuel is not keeping people from traveling.

We are camping at Henrys Lake State Park, just 15 miles from west entrance to Yellowstone. It has a beautiful lake, covers 6000 acres, and is real popular with fishermen.

Another lake view...

Looking out our trailer window at the sunset. I could get used to this!!

Our campsite at the lake. We loved it here, except for the very friendly monster mosquitoes.

Crater Lake in southern Oregon. We visited last week while staying at Joseph Stewart State Park. It was not as clear as usual due to the smoke from forest fires in northern California. Still an amazing sight even with the haze. The lake is five miles wide, surrounded by cliffs reaching 2000 feet in some spots. The rim drive is 32 miles long, with great overlooks.

Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the U.S. at over 1900 feet, so no wonder it is so blue.

Notice how big my smile is? That's because my back is to the lake. My knees sure got wobbly when looking over the edge of the lake. Talk about a LONG way down!

This waterfall was right next to the highway, so didn't even have to hike to get this picture.

We stopped at a scenic overlook and noticed all this snow that still hadn't melted, so...had to take a photo of Donnie standing in it, wearing shorts no less! Just another summer day in Oregon...