She's in her traveling mode...ZZZZZZZ!! We are on our way to Abilene State Park for a few days, then Lubbock is next. Donnie's surgery on shoulder scheduled for Nov 30. (11/20)

Waves at Mustang Island. Great day to be beachcombers...

Shelby digging for clams...

Shelby's favorite beach activities...running around like mad and chasing seagulls.

Our RV space at Mustang Island State Park near Corpus Christi. Good site with a "front yard" and walking distance to the beach. (11/15)

Casey, Angie and boys..Thanks for the retirement bubbly!!

Here ya go Sherry! Finally got a photo of those little umbrellas! (11/18)

The Lexington Air Craft Carrier in Corpus Christi bay. Thought Lance and Paul at the COOP would find this interesting.

Had great gumbo and fish sandwiches here near the Lex. Still getting our fill of seafood! (11/17)

We "camped" here at Ray Roberts Lake State Park north of Denton TX (near Becky's sister's house) recently. We are a little behind on posting photos as we haven't had any internet service lately. Beautiful lake and the they say the fishing is great. Donnie didn't have time to "drown any worms" this trip, maybe next time! (11/5)